Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Neil Oliver: ‘It's more important than ever that we question the script, every word’ (GBNews)

‘It's more important than ever that we question the script, every word. Because in the real life Hunger Games, it's our lives that are being played with.’ - Neil Oliver.

The parallel to the fiction is the situation where the elites, including politicians and institutional authorities, have become more and more divorced from the rest of humanity - divorced from the plight of ordinary people and of any rational thought transcending politics.

The video references the circus of the recent Democratic National Convention and globalist policies trashing farmers and the encouraged decline in Western procreation/populations, while at the same time inviting in masses of people from other populous regions (which is set up to balkanise these countries). 

Oliver is right about questioning the script. What they're putting people through is not serving their interests but the interests of the globalist that want us fighting each other rather than them or the economic systems they have in place - present and future systems of (excessive) control and restraint.   

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 27, 2024.]

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