Thursday, August 22, 2024

Neil Oliver: ‘Are you ready for this?!?’

‘… a world where the truth is nothing more than whatever the powerful say it!’

Mainstream media and official propaganda has brainwashed the public into ignoring open debate and the full examination of facts thanks to virtue signalling gimmicks that paralyze people's ability to think clearly. Dissenting individuals, often highly qualified, pointing to hard facts, are being ignored and censored - where logic and reason is thrown out the window. We inhabit a world strongly shaped by psychological programming coming from the media that acts as an arm of a corrupt and captured (by special interests) Government/Bureaucracy. The main source of misinformation and disinformation in the world today comes from the authorities, not the (anti globalist) dissenters. The world should not be like it is. Watching and sharing clips like this can help to deprogram the general population.   

Note: The central issue with the truth being censored is that we are in the grip of massive levels of corruption that is literally killing and impoverishing people.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 22, 2024.]

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