Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Global Health Emergency or Corporate Payday? (Malcolm Roberts)

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared Monkeypox a global public health emergency, triggering emergency powers to drive vaccine sales that benefit big pharmaceutical companies with ties to the organisation. This decision serves corporate interests rather than public health.

Regulatory agencies that are meant to protect the public fall under undue influence from the industries they regulate. The WHO is a corrupt organisation that is designed to funnel taxpayer money to its billionaire donors. Australian taxpayers gave $30 million to the WHO last year, likely as a show of loyalty.

Transparency is lacking. Major donors include Gavi, a vaccine alliance funded by corporations tied to predatory giants like BlackRock and Vanguard, who also own large shares in pharmaceutical companies.

The WHO's Monkeypox emergency, declared solely by its director-general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, highlights the unchecked power of the position. This decision created a market for four already-approved vaccines linked to companies backed by BlackRock and Vanguard, ensuring massive profits for their shareholders. A new Monkeypox vaccine is expected soon, likely fast-tracked by compromised regulators like Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

The WHO previously tried to raise alarm over Monkeypox but found little public concern, so they rebranded it as "Mpox" to push vaccine sales. This benefits the predatory billionaires who control vaccine companies, funnel money to Gavi and the WHO, and fund political parties, including Australia's Liberal and Labor parties.

Recent revelations show Anthony Fauci concealed plans to engineer a more deadly and highly transmissible Mpox virus. This "gain-of-function" research has pandemic potential and should be stopped immediately. It’s troubling that Australia's CSIRO was involved in gain-of-function research for COVID-19, yet faces no consequences.

The WHO and the TGA have failed in their regulatory duties, serving political agendas rather than public interest. During COVID, the TGA prioritised government control over public health, and there are concerns the same will happen again with Mpox.

Every Monkeypox case should be verified through public lab tests, especially as redacted data was used to justify COVID measures that harmed public health.

The time of blind trust in the WHO's narrative is over; it’s now the age of ‘prove it’.

At least read the text to this speech. It's another warning. The longer audio content has a bit more info. How many other 'representatives' of the people are doing anything about this threat? They were all pretty much complicit in the previous crime against humanity. Eventually gain of function research, or a new jab, will produce something even more dangerous. Be vigilant. Warn others. Mass non compliance works. We don't have much choice in the face of massive betrayals by those in authority. Going along with the crooks simply invites more deaths and injuries. How many more extra hospital visits and sudden deaths with the public have to endure before they take a stand? Hopefully this scamming ends now.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 27, 2024.]

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