Sunday, August 18, 2024

GLOBAL BOMBSHELL: Naomi Wolf Warns We're Already Under Martial Law! Foreign Armies Now Inside USA! (Infowars)

Author, journalist, and political activist Naomi Wolf explains how the U.S. is already under martial law, with foreign armies operating inside the country.

According to this conversation the US is being set up for civil war, or at least some level of anarchy. The warning here is for false flag terror bombings, power outages, food rationing, riots, terrorist attacks, pandemic emergencies, Martial Law (and internment camps) and combinations of these things. Expect some level of chaos before the US election, to help them rig the vote.

Note: The Chinese connection to what's happening, that Jones claims, is likely not military, but economic domination and monitoring. The globalists are the ones that want anarchy in the West. It's not certain what will practically unfold, or if it will work as intended, but it should result in a mess. Certainly they can (firstly) unleash an economic disaster by kicking the legs out of the rigged US stockmarket and then go from there. The rest of the world will suffer when the US market tanks.

You don't have to agree with every detail they talk about either, but I would argue that the gist of what they are getting at is in the works. Borders are wide open, there's pressure put on society by mass migration, and if there is an economic collapse, and agents provocateur go active, with false flag attacks, then things can certain turn VERY ugly. People turning on each other, or a Martial Law situation with the anarchist forces being puppeteered by the globalists/Deep State, creating the problem. This is the threat posed by the globalists and their policies. 23mins.

And longer term, if things are let loose, with no righting the ship, we could see an situations unfolding in Western countries similar to what we see in Mexico, and balkanisation in Europe etc. It's not just a US problem.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 18, 2024.]

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