Friday, August 23, 2024

CONFRONTED! Fmr NIH Director Francis Collins Called Out To His Face! (Jimmy Dore)

While dining out recently with his wife, former NIH head Francis Collins was confronted by a citizen who expressed the hope that Collins, along with Anthony Fauci, would spend the rest of his life in prison for the crimes he’s committed while promoting COVID vaccines. Collins seemed taken aback by the comments, at first thinking his critic was a fan.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this example of online criticism of health officials happening face-to-face.

Many people would consider that those in command/authority positions who pushed, or facilitated, the experimental shots are unindicted criminals. The incident here references someone injured in the initial human trials, which seemed to have gone ahead despite clear warning signs from the very limited (inadequate) animal tests that were conducted. Certainly the animal biodistribution test, using a rat, showed that the jab material circulated all over the body. That test showed it was NOT safe for humans and yet those in authority lied and said the injection material stayed in the arm. Life in prison would be appropriate for this guy, and others, who pushed these shots. In the past these people would be facing the death sentence.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 23, 2024.]

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