Sunday, July 21, 2024

MAJOR Union Leader Cheered At Republican National Convention! (Jimmy Dore)

From the “Is the world turned upside down?” file, we have news that the President of the Teamsters’ Union, Sean O’Brien, addressed the collected delegates and other party functionaries on the opening day of the Republican National Convention. O’Brien recognized that he was the first modern day union leader to speak at the RNC, but expressed hope that the Republicans under Trump would address concerns of working people and even praised Trump as “one tough SOB.”

Jimmy discusses how Republicans have managed to garner support from blue collar voters as the Democratic Party has abandoned its once-solid base of working Americans.

This is significant news. Open lines of communication with everyone in the country is vital. And to quote from a past presidential race (1992), about how candidates can win by gaining the support of working people,  "It's the economy, stupid".

The workers of the country can see that globalist policies are throwing them under the bus, with industry outsourcing, high energy costs, and open borders. At least with Trump and Vance they are trying to reverse these things, albeit not radically challenging the corporate domination of the country.

However, it worth noting that the globalists that Trump and Vance are pitted against are not simply corporatists but financiers who are willing to throw other corporatists, and the rest of the economy, under the bus as they play games with all the printed money they have on hand (buying up cheap 'assets', implementing new carbon control structures, making derivatives bets that things will fail etc).

So the situation we have here is perhaps reminiscent of past times where the nobility fought against each other in looking after their own interests, with some benefits, in this case, flowing to ordinary people.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 21, 2024.]

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