Monday, July 22, 2024

JD Vance Deep Ties To The Surveillance State! w/ Whitney Webb! (Jimmy Dore)

In this extended, wide-ranging interview, Jimmy and Unlimited Hangout contributing editor and One Nation Under Blackmail author Whitney Webb discuss whether Trump’s VP pick JD Vance is a puppet of billionaire Peter Thiel, the real reason Elon Musk purchased Twitter, how the dystopian future of policing in the film Minority Report is becoming a reality, and much much more.

Vance might be backed by big tech billionaires but it may also be possible that these backers want Biden gone and some restoration of the USA before it turns into a complete basket case. They all strongly support Israel in the Middle East and it might be that they want to install another set of neocon hawks within the Trump cabinet, so they can attack Iran, if he gets elected. A destroyed US economy and failing country is not helping support Israel. 

The election looks like two mafia forces squaring off against each other. However the messaging from Trump is still that America First policy, and closed borders, plus climate skepticism, which is valuable. The main thing we need from a new Trump administration is to avoid any more wars or interventions.  

Webb rightly points out that the country is run by intelligence agencies and organised crime. The big issue with her analysis is the view that Trump is basically going to almost completely serve the interests of the establishment as opposed to him being part of one mafia faction pitted against another. Is he actually going to get on board with digital currency? Is he going to actually launch a difficult to conduct war against Iran while making peace with Iran's ally Russia? Are Trump and Vance going to do everything their backers want? Epstein and others did end up in jail during the Trump Administration, and he's going to enter a situation where, if he does not play ball with certain corrupt backers, he'll lose key insider support that he needs to win (and not be killed).

We don't actually know what a second Trump term will look like. It'll likely be very problematic - a better outcome than having Biden return. He was a dead man the other day with the combined assassination attempt and Secret Service stand down - so he is seen as a legitimate threat to one side in the power structure. The question is why? If Trump is a controlled asset then why does one side want to kill him?    

One thing about Jimmy Dore is that he'll follow up and challenge other people supporting Trump now. More questioning and investigation will happen that will address this information in more detail. Dore should interview researcher Ryan Dawson to see what he has to say about the issues raised here.  Dawson has previously supported Trump as the least worst candidate on offer. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 22, 2024.]

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