Thursday, May 16, 2024

Midazolam concerns (John Campbell)

Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry

It's very clear that the hospital protocols in the UK killed large numbers of people that would have otherwise lived. The UK death tolls from Covid, aside from the virus killing the elderly and frail, like in any influenza season, were massively boosted by the misguided use of Midazolam, a drug that is used in 'end of life treatments' (euthanasia). The official account of what happened during this time, in terms of the dangers the public faced, is a lie. 

Note: In the USA, and in other jurisdictions, the killer hospital drug they used was Remdesivir (known to cause organ failure). 

ps. Don't go along with any more of this BS ... support individuals and politicians that stood against the mandates. Choose anti globalists.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 16, 2024.]

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