Tuesday, May 28, 2024


A warning about Digital ID. The danger is that in the near future, to maintain a valid ID, to be able to work, you will need a Digital ID. It's the same thing they used with the Covid jab mandates. They told people that they had the right to refuse the jabs, but that you could not be employed unless you took an experimental shot. This Digital ID will become invalid, or impose restrictions, if you dissent against what the authorities are pushing. It's a compliance tool.

Maria Zeee also relates a personal story of how she was de-Banked in Australia for simply being a member of the alternative media (that warned about the jabs and other matters). A further point she makes is that we therefore know there is monitoring of people posting alternative media stories online but they can't seem to find and arrest the thousands of pedophiles that are currently using the Internet? It reveals that the people at the top of the tree are themselves heinous individuals that don't have the best interests of the public in mind. 

The way to stop this tyranny and censorship is to share information about what is happening and to get the population to vote for anti globalist nationalists. We can still vote our way out. 

Note: A lot of the more outlandish ideas that are touted by the globalists, about machine-human hybridisation, is likely an unworkable fantasy. Many of these people are unhinged, but the danger from these people is real.    

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 28, 2024.]

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