Thursday, May 9, 2024

Australia's 'Big Lie' (Daisy Cousens)

Australia's supposed crisis of DV has made international headlines, with politicians and the media espousing that one woman every four days has been killed by an intimate partner in 2024. But what if that wasn't the case? What if the woke Labor government was cooking the numbers to gain political clout?

Violence against women has actually been declining for decades. The mantra from the Government and many pundits is to blame all men for the actions of a few and to cook the books on the statistics.

The You Tube comments section to this video makes a number of good points in that the level of violence for lesbian couples his much higher than for the heterosexual community while the level of domestic violence between homosexual men is less.

We know that men will resort to violence in mentally stressful situations so it's important to understand the role that women play that may lead to such actions, outside the situations were the male is an offending type that drinks heavily, takes drugs, or is generally abusive and mentally unstable. Most of the violence we see would come from the offending type of males. The clear up the rest of the problem we need to look at the behaviours of both men and women. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 9, 2024.]

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