Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Iraq War Wasn't About Oil (GDF)

The 2003 invasion of Iraq was a neocon project. They had long wanted to destroy Iraq that posed a limited threat to nuclear armed Israel. Key neocon individuals were in office during the Bush Administration that helped cook up the threat of Saddam's WMDs and ties to Al Qaeda terrorists (that did not exist). This is why there was a war in 2003. 

One can understand why the Israelis would want to destroy their neighbours, since they pose an ongoing threat to their country (that was built on mass migration from Europe), but the destabilisation of the Middle East is now directly responsible for a whole host of disasters facing the West today.

One key disaster inflicted upon Europe, due to Middle Eastern and North African conflict, is mass migration. Wherever it is applied (mass migration) the results are bad. Mass migration of Europeans into Palestine was not good for the Arabs, and mass migration into Europe is bad for the Europeans.

Israel's actions in the Middle East, and their political influence in the West (with key globalist/neocons advocating for open borders), has posed a direct threat to Europe with the prospect a future civil war in France or the UK between migrants and native people. The threat of internal war applies to a number of other European countries housing masses of unassimilating migrants. 

What needs to happen is an honest discussion about what's going on - with the redrawing of territories to give separate cultures and people a place to live, and the closing of international borders (plus the deportations of newly arrived migrants in the West). None of these solutions are easy to enact, but they must be undertaken to ensure future peace.    

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 23, 2024.]

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