Friday, April 26, 2024

Anti Trump Conspiracy EXPOSED, Democrats Plot With Lawyers To CHEAT 2024 Election, Trump Trial SCAM (Tim Pool)

Election interference exposed with Democrat Lawyers plotting to cheat Trump. The big issue is whether they are using the law in an illegal way to cook up a case for political reasons.  And yet nothing will happen because they're in cahoots with the Deep State. The Law in the USA works selectively. It only operates against opponents of the establishment. 

When it comes to Trump's trial about election interference, it's completely bogus (a double standard). You are actually allowed to campaign and direct news operations during an election. The only issue is if they did anything illegal. Paying off someone, for something that was not a crime, is not illegal. 

Note: Pool's comments about Trump needing to show up to the SCOTUS hearing seem over the top. SCOTUS can make a ruling without Trump attending personally. It does not seem like such a big deal if he does not attend. However, the SCOTUS decision itself is a very big deal. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 26, 2024.]

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