Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Patriot Requiem 2 Launchers Destroyed; Orlovka Falling; NATO Panic, Macron Baltics, Johnson Caracas (Alexander Mercouris)

Macron is trying to convince the Baltic States to send troops into Ukraine. Any leader with any sense will know the Russians will strike any foreign military formations with ballistic missiles soon after they enter the conflict. High levels of casualties is guaranteed. 

In the US there are indications the US is walking away from Ukraine despite their political rhetoric. There's unsubstantiated talk, very likely to be false, that the US is backing off from NATO. This NATO  walkback is unlikely because of arms industry connections.  


New Russian Probing Attacks | 4th Abrams Lost | Elite 47th Mechanized Brigade Struggles
(Weeb Union)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 12, 2024.]

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