Friday, March 29, 2024

Neil Oliver: The battle has begun….

…like magicians they’re constantly trying to fool us with their tricks & sleight of hand….but, fighting for truth matters!

Good Neil Oliver monologue about the endless, and the often obvious, lies we are subject to and asks whether the public likes being fooled? He also talks about the liars enjoying spreading the lies, especially about Covid and the war in Ukraine. It's got to the point where the liars (politicians, academics, the media) are seemingly treating the public as if they are stupid, as if the public has lost the ability to reason in the face of official 'assurances'.

You don't have to agree with everything Oliver says but his point about these two most important issues should have any objectively thinking members of the public thinking skeptically about whatever the politicians and media are telling you.

If asked, ordinary people will say they are skeptical and objective thinkers, but this is not true. Even when there are strong indications, actual evidence, that something is fundamentally wrong with the official narrative, ordinary people tend to default to authority. This defaulting is often due to the ridicule surrounding any 'alternative explanations' or that they've been sold official lies packaged with a false 'debunking' explanation of the sound criticism. When faced with such a situation, that muddies the waters, a LOT of people end up overlooking the fundamental points raised by the alternative explanations/critiques and accept whatever authority tells them. It's sad state of affairs and it extends throughout all levels of society including professional people involved in the fields subject to debate. 

The key take away from this video is that when it comes to mainstream sources, dealing with matters of life and death, you are more likely to be treated to lies than the truth by people who have no qualms  about hoodwinking/victimising the public. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 29, 2024.]

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