Wednesday, March 27, 2024

FLASHBACK: General Wesley Clark Islamic Radicals are supported by Saudi Arabia, and the Ultimately the USA, for Regime Change Purposes.

This is from at least 9 years ago, that time General Clark was interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, where he tried to explain that groups like ISIS do not exist without the support of nation states - to which the US is allied. The other issue they are dealing with is that the Obama Administration was selling intervention in Syria as if they were supporting moderate groups, not the worst of the worst.

At around the same time the US DIA declassified an assessment, from Aug 2012, that pointed out that the leading fighting groups in Syria were all extremists, and that they were supported by "The West, Gulf Countries and Turkey". People in the US military did not think that US support for these radical groups, likely via the CIA and foreign intelligence networks, was a good idea. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 27, 2024.]

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