Monday, March 4, 2024

Australian Climate Action (Tony Heller)

The Australia Climate Council says Alice Springs will see a huge increase in the number of hot days, unless Australia takes "climate action."

Another short 3min clip showing the temp record for Alice Springs. The temps there are the same as near 140 years ago, going back the the 1880s. The clip also points out that Australia cutting back on CO2 output, that has been flat for a long time, will do nothing since the rest of the world (Asia) is skyrocketing when it comes to coal power plants. The only question is whether this output changes the temps, which, if you cut out all the fraud and fudged stats, shows no increases.

There's no increase in extreme weather either when you look back over 100 years. It's not there.

What we are seeing is political where people's ideological virtue signalling dispositions are being fed by liars who are getting a lot of money from the 'climate change' grift. Furthermore, those that point to the truth of things end up being blacklisted or having their funding cut. If you are interested in truth and justice this should really bother you.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 4, 2024.]

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