Thursday, February 22, 2024

Without autopsy, there can be no certainty about the science (Vejon Health)

Another case of aortic dissection (2022) after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. How can we be sure this is rare, if autopsy studies are not being published regularly?

Not enough research and safety measure are in place. Where are all the autopsies investigating sudden deaths? There's is present day lack of understanding about what is actually going on with the experimental medicines that we know are intrinsically dangerous. The jab material does not stay in the arm, and the extent of the harms is not fully understood. And because we are in an experiment, when it comes to safety, the onus of proof is reversed. Something that is experimental is not safe until proven safe.  

One further thing to note is that young people were given the Covid jabs and did not need them. Their risk from the virus was incredibly low. Today all these people are at risk of death from these shots. 

Additional comment/thoughts:

The title to this clip says a lot. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that research is vitally important when investigating an issue, especially one involving a lot of sudden deaths of young people. Basic scientific concepts are not hard to grasp. In this situation, where we are in an experiment, the ONUS OF PROOF IS REVERSED. This is why the autopsies are needed, to show the extent of what is going on. We already have autopsies that have shown the inflammation and immune system attack on organs of those that have died suddenly. More animal testing could be done too - to determine the length of time that the spike protein material is ACTUALLY produced in one's body. Presently WE DO NOT KNOW. Autopsies have shown the jab material persisting for many many months, not a few days as claimed.

You can imagine, from that brief explanation, and the video here, that we are really living in a corrupt clown world where rational systems of regulation and oversight are BROKEN. They're broken due to money and politics.

Don't forget to vote for parties and individuals that stood up against the illegal jab mandates.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, February 22, 2024.]

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