Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Why Can’t The Police Find This Guy? (Lotus Eaters)

There's treason going on here by the authorities. The mass migration has to be stopped and reversed as much as possible. This will almost certainly lead to conflict, but things have been pushed so far that this seems unavoidable. Welfare payments need to stop and deportations begun.

The West has no obligation to take in ANYONE from anywhere. You create a moral hazard by thinking that taking in masses of third world people will do anything to help the third world. All it does is create problems in the West.

Furthermore, taking in skilled migrants from any country drains these skills from their own countries. Borders everywhere need to be closed and issues with skills and labor resolved via internal means. If Western populations are in a decline then incentives to have children should be enacted like they did in Hungary.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, February 13, 2024.]

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