Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Best comments on You Tube:

He said it in the most simple terms "If you want to write yourself into a comic then make your own." That should go for everyone. If you don't "see yourself" in any kind of media (comics, books, movies, tv, music, etc) then make it yourself and fill the gap you think is there. It's never been easier to do it with technology today, so don't ursurp another IP to change it to your liking, MAKE YOUR OWN. And if your insight is right the sales will prove it. And if your insight is narrow and selfish, the sales will show that too. These SJW's that call themselves "creators" are actually nothing but destroyers. Prove me wrong and actually create something.

I always mention Louis L'amour, who wrote a ton of westerns, that became John Wayne movies. He grew up in the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. He worked in mines, at a sawmill, went on cattle drives. He was a Captain in World War 2, fighting Nazis. After the war, he was a merchant seaman who survived a shipwreck. He herded elephants, too. Then he wrote books.
He wasn't a 20 year old pink haired world loathing activist who cries when Starbucks messes up her order.

Just because they acknowledge the problem, doesn't mean they plan on changing anything. Remember, Bob Iger has admitted serval times that wokeness and all the culture war shit (which HE pushed for and allowed to fester in the company) is what is hurting Disney, but shows no sign of changing course and will if anything just keep pushing onto people regardless. The comic book industry is no different. At this point, I just say let it all burn, so something better can rise from the ashes like a great phoenix to take it's place. I don't even bother buying comics anymore unless it's older stuff. I've mostly just switched exclusively over to manga.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 27, 2023.]

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