Tuesday, December 19, 2023

INTERCHANGEABLE INSIPID AIRHEADS- Seriously...WTF Happened To Female Comic Book Writers? (YaBoiZack)

The female writers, and males, became unhinged activists and started producing garbage stories.

Best comments on You Tube:

Women can write stories aimed at a male audience, a lot of female mangaka in Japan prove that.

The problem isn't women, it's feminists. Both male and female feminists.

I remember listening to a live stream and the people were discussing the research Lego conducted about the differences in play patterns between boys and girls.

Lego observed that boys generally try to pretend that they are the thing they’re playing with. (Batman was the example used. )Boys would want to know everything about Batman so they could be Batman. Girls on the other hand would imprint themselves onto the thing they were playing with. They would turn the toy into them. And one of the streamers, a female by the way, said aptly, “men want to live the adventure where women want to control it.” I broke out laughing at the profoundness of the statement.

Now apply that train of thought to comic book writers and see what you come up with in recent years.

Its not just the ideology in the stories, its the way that embracing the ideology has affected hiring practices. They no longer hire by merit, so this has resulted in an entire workforce of terrible writers, managed by terrible managers, all the way up to the top. This has happened in most forms of media, this is why Disney can no longer make a decent or successful movie and they have no idea how to fix the problem.

At the core, it's mainstream writers hating the source materials and the genre in general.

wE'rE gOnNa ChAnGe iT aLl aNd Be HeRoEs, TeE hEe

Hey, what happened to our sales!?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, December 19, 2023.]

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