Monday, November 20, 2023


The CDC has recently announced that exemptions to vaccinations have hit record highs in the United States. We take a look at the reasons why parents are choosing to forgo vaccinations for their young children.

People have woken up to the fact that the vaccine industry looks like a scam, and that these products are simply not safe (and most unnecessary). US health is in decline, including infant mortality, while other countries are not in the same situation.

Further comment: The US childhood jab schedule is insane compared to other countries and REEKS of corporate influence, not based on health needs. This conversation about excessively jabbing kids needs to be had, not the mindless "this is dangerous fearmongering" reaction many people have when the issue is raised.
After the CV scam it is a fact that big pharma companies can no longer be trusted, on pretty much everything. There needs to be ongoing oversight of their products with VERY severe penalties for misconduct, and the big companies broken up and replaced.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, November 20, 2023.]

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