Sunday, November 26, 2023

Ukr Military Despair, Blame Zelensky; Rus Plans 1 1/2 Million Army End War; Pavel Warns Rus-NATO War (Alexander Mercouris)

If you are following the MSM on this issue you should probably check this out. It highlights a number of stark realities, in relation to attrition - as opposed to the fantasy pushed in the media. Remember when they, the MSM, talked about the Ukrainian spring/summer offensive having the goal of reaching the coast? Presently they are losing ground to the Russians.

Note: The actions of the Ukrainian planners look like they are intended to burn up the people of the country. They should have adopted more of a defensive position rather than throwing forces into Russian cauldrons/meat grinders.

Play at x2 speed.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, November 26, 2023.]

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