Saturday, October 21, 2023

Col. Douglas MacGregor: Can the US Support Two Wars? (Judging Freedom)

MacGregor makes a good point that the rest of the world is sick of the mess with the Palestinians and Israelis. Neighbouring countries won't allow Israel to expel the Palestinians without consequences.  The Israelis are in a fix now. They can't effectively launch a ground invasion without taking a large number of casualties, and if they kill all the Palestinians via bombing they'll make themselves more hated around the world, perhaps being treated like South Africa.

However, Israel has a LOT of influence with their people in high finance, in politics, controlling the media etc, around the world, so that the country may ultimately be prepared for short term troubles in order to finish their program of ethnic cleansing. The big question is if they do go to war regionally, who will it drag in? How far will things escalate? Countries like China and Russia, and even the US, (as a PR move), may try to force a ceasefire if the fighting grinds on with too many civilians being killed. Iran would be restrained by both Russia and China, which would leave local fighting in Lebanon and Gaza, with the Egyptians extremely unhappy about any fall out from Gaza. 

This situation is going to test Israel's influence around the world. Despite whatever blackmail networks they have, where stark reality cannot be ignored and papered over by weak excuses and propaganda.    

Logic would dictate two outcomes. The a land for peace deal of the extermination of the Palestinians with the possibility of a larger regional war that might be settled with nuclear weapons (after false flag chemical weapons are used against Israel). The Israelis may opt for peace while they think of another option, such as a covert biological war.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 21, 2023.]

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