Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Drinker's Chasers - Hiring Activists Instead Of Writers

A project will sink or swim on the quality of its writing team. The problem is that Hollywood has increasingly resorted to hiring talentless fans and activists who care only about themselves.

The idea is that talentless/inept fans have been hired but at the same time they hired clueless writers that were not fans and did not understand the material they were working on.

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True writers tell stories. Fake activists try to score points to an audience that doesn't exist.

This is also epidemic in the literary world. I used to be an editor for a magazine that tried to highlight up and coming writers and give them their foot in the door. Despite a lot of great short stories coming across my desk, the owner of the magazine said we needed to target specific demographics no matter how lacking their writing was. This led to the downfall of the magazine as it was filled with LGBTQ, angry women and aboriginal writers who had no business being given a shot but the owner was ticking off the boxes and promoting us as 'progressive'. I've never read such terrible stories in all my life and these got printed while true masterpieces were ignored because they were written by straight white males. Writing isn't a byproduct of skin color or sexual orientation. It's talent and hard work and, sadly, that means nothing to this current group who are the gatekeepers.

The idea of “everyone can do whatever they want if they just try” has gone way too far. Some people can’t act. Some people can’t write. Some people can’t draw. These activists think everything is all just so easy, anyone can do it. And we’re seeing the cost of that now.

I worked in post production in Hollywood for a long time, and can confirm one thing you sometimes hear, which is that Harvard kids always got their foot in the door. Write for the National Lampoon, for example, and even if your writing is bad, hey, you went to Harvard, so you must know something everyone else doesn't, right? Wrong. I remember working a weird animated show whose showrunner was a bigshot at The Daily Show. He himself was a Harvard alum, so he surrounded himself with Harvard kids. These bozos were incredibly unfunny. They're 22, fresh out of college, and haven't lived life. Why on earth would you put them in charge of scripts? Answer: vanity.

For years Hollywood entertainment succeeded on the too-big-to-fail model. That's over. Now their failing because of their too-young-to-know-anything writers. Activists or not.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 27, 2023.]

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