Thursday, June 29, 2023

Putin Strengthened After Mutiny Peacefully Quelled, Explains Tactic, Prigozhin to Belarus, US Denies (Alexander Mercouris)

The recent mutiny has strengthened Putin. All major political figures, even critics, sided with the Russian President when Prigozhin pulled his recent stunt. Now Prigozhin is off the Belarus to cool off. The West talks about fractures in Russian society over the war but this is mistaken. People in Russia are strongly behind the war because they fear a neighbouring country populated with neo Nazis. There's a strong remembrance of Russia's war vs Germany in WW2 where they lost tens of millions of people. What's going on in Ukraine now falls right in their radar. The whole country will mobilise before it gives in there. This is why continuing with the war in the West is folly.

The original idea of having a demilitarised neutral Ukraine was a good one, with Crimea a separate entity (after the US backed coup occurred in 2014). Now, after all the fighting the Russian speaking Eastern side is set to be forever detached, as it was in the past, with similar conditions as before. More ground would need to be given up too, perhaps the entire coastline. Psychopath idiots decided that continuing the war through 2022 into 2023 was a good idea.

Also, there has been no significant progress from the Ukrainians on the battlefield. 

Summary comment from You Tube:


- Overview 00:00
- Battlefront unchanged overall 02:10
- Backwards and forwards in Bakhmut 4:32
- Prigozhin mutiny was failure 07:50
- Putin, on Wagner mutiny 18:30
- Lukaschenko on Wagner mutiny 22:45
- US be like: "It wasn't me!" 27:4

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 29, 2023.]

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