Wednesday, June 28, 2023

How the US Military Censors Your News (GDF)

After Vietnam the US military sought to crack down on free roaming reporters. They ended up following the UK model used in the Falklands War, with embedded reporters that were closely controlled. However, in the Falklands some of the new reports provided critical information to the Argentinians, so the plan was not entirely successful. In the US invasions of Grenada and Panama, that occurred later in the decade, the US banned or tightly controlled journalists who were covering the conflict. In the First Gulf War of 1990-91 it was obvious to anyone that the press pool was being closely managed by the Pentagon. Today the media and the military work hand in glove. There is little dissenting opinion when it comes the US interventions, except in the alternative media. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 28, 2023.]

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