Saturday, April 15, 2023

Warner boss gives WOKE media the finger over JK Rowling! Tells Harry Potter haters to touch grass! (YellowFlash)

The executives over at Warner got grilled by the media over the new MAX reboot of Harry Potter that's getting a remake. When asked about JK Rowling being involved as a producer, he had a surprising answer!


Feminists are going CRAZY over Catwoman's Backside! DEMAND Batman artists make her REALISTIC!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 15, 2023.]


  1. I haven't watched the second video yet, but there are def women who are shaped just like that, including the original and Tim Burton Cat Woman!

  2. Yes ! I have seen some shaped pretty close to that ! And it's a comic too ! I think the extremists won't be happy until everyone is wearing potato sacks !
