Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Russian Airpower Over Ukraine Increasing + More Shortcomings Appear Ahead Ukrainian Offensive (TheNewAtlas)

Update on conflict in Ukraine for April 23-24, 2023:

- Most of Bakhmut is now under Russian control;

- Ukraine & Western media report increasing use of precision-guided bombs by Russian military aviation;

- Russian bombing is increasingly effective owed to dwindling Ukrainian air defenses;

- Recent Ukraine Contact Group in Germany admit air defenses in Ukraine are a priority, fail to commit to any possible solution;

- US announces acceleration of its shipments of 31 M1-Abram tanks to Ukraine after a 10 week training course, less than half the training an entry-level US tank crew receives;

- Despite growing doubts of a Ukrainian offensive, it will likely unfold and may even have success in taking territory but will leave Ukraine at a further disadvantage in what is otherwise a war of attrition;

- Ukraine faces critical shortages in arms, ammunition, & trained manpower;

- US claims sanctions against Russia are “working,” yet data to substantiate that claim appears deliberately cherry-picked and taken out of context;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 25, 2023.]

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