Sunday, April 23, 2023

Brazil’s President Tells World To ABANDON U.S. Dollar! (Jimmy Dore)

Brazil’s newly re-elected President Lula da Silva has hit the ground running, recently traveling to China where he called for the international community to abandon the U.S. Dollar as the default currency of global trade. In truth, this process is already underway but Lula puts himself at great personal risk by promoting de-dollarization.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to The Duran hosts Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou about the impending decline that is being facilitated by loss of the U.S. dollar as the unit of international exchange.

Coup or assassination incoming?


“Stop Encouraging War!” – Brazil’s President Scolds The U.S. (Jimmy Dore)

Brazil is even hosting Iranian warships. A lot of countries outside the West can see the truth and are sick of all the conflict. They will use diplomacy and economic connections to sort out human rights issues over long time frames. The so called 'international community' is a club of corrupt Western nations. It does not mean other nations are not corrupt, it's just that the Western ones are causing a lot of trouble for everyone else.

Compare this to the perspective in the Western media about power blocks. Nothing will work out well for the West when they are largely sidelined economically by the rest of the world. The other thing we face is that our leaders have it in for the general population too. It's the green agenda issue that is deindustrial and anti human in nature. We are ruled over by shadow networks and connections to groups like the WEF. Thankfully all of this BS can be undone when everyone is aware of it.

ps. On being sidelined by the rest of the world. It's good thing to have self sufficient countries, which this would encourage in the West, but the process of being sidelined will be a rocky road.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 23, 2023.]

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