Monday, March 27, 2023

Douglas Macgregor: "Russia HAS WIPED THEM OUT, THIS IS IT"

Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over Bakhmut. Macgregor then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.

Good summary of the overall conflict from MacGregor. Russia basically wanted Ukraine to be neutral and not join NATO and to NOT treat the ethnic Russians living in the country as second class citizens. They also wanted Ukraine to recognise Crimea as Russian. Urged by the US neocons, the Ukrainians refused. The shelling of the Eastern side of the country, before the 2022 escalation, then increased that promoted the invasion.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 27, 2023.]

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