Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: DEI Training’s Unintended Consequences (John Stossel)

All big companies now require "DEI" training for employees, but studies say that often BACKFIRES.

One study looked at 800 companies, and found that after companies did trainings, they actually came to have FEWER black managers.

How is that possible? Erec Smith, a former DEI trainer, now a Professor of Rhetoric at York College, tells me: "It seems to be making people less likely to interact with people who are unlike them ... because it's like a minefield now."

He explains that the trainings can make people so afraid of saying something wrong, that people just avoid each other.

“If you ask somebody what they do for a living, somehow that's racist, right? If you learn that, then why would you take a chance?"

That's the just the tip of the iceberg, regarding DEI's problems.

You can watch the video above for more strange ideas that come from it, like “try to be less white" and the idea that some kids don't need to learn standard English.

Best comments on You Tube:

A Person

I'm Black I was born in the 80s. My world was filled with black artists, athletes, musicians, singers, actors, writers, directors, political figures, on and on. I NEVER once thought I was limited in life because of the color of my skin. Fast forward to today and they are teaching young black kids that their race, gender, and sexuality is a curse.

Is racism dead? Nah, but much like Thomas Sowell said, it's being kept on life support. DEI is "supposed" to bring an end to racism... But it literally perpetuates it. It's discriminatory, mean spirited, inaccurate, and exclusionary. Everyone knows to these people "inclusive" means anti-straight-white. Everyone else is included. How do you plan to fight discrimination with discrimination?

DEI doesn't make me feel "included" It makes me feel like a charity case. Bringing race up at every turn is not helping end racism, it's boosting it. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that's by design. The more the people fight amongst each other, the less we focus on the powerful crooks manipulating us all. We are all pawns in a very sick game of chess. It's time we figured that out.

Josh Schmidt
I went to DEI training once. I argued with the lady the entire time and drew my own conclusion that she was a hateful racist, which I wasn't afraid to share. My bosses were furious. When asked, I told them, "The idea was to learn how to be more fair and inclusive. I'm okay with that. I will not be branded a white monster by an angry mammoth, nor will I be lectured in how terrible a person I am by someone who doesn't know me. If that's a part of my job, you can fire me."

The company found that response common. We never heard about it again.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 28, 2023.]

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