Friday, March 3, 2023

Alarming Signals in Pfizer Safety Data - Shocking Stats Uncovered (Peak Prosperity)

The covid vaccine safety data collected by Pfizer and submitted to US, Australian and European regulators are packed with an unacceptable amount and variety of obvious vaccine-related concerns and probable harms. It screams “disaster!” These un-safety reports should have immediately led to the cessation of the shots or, at a minimum, kicked off deep inquiries into the signals to either rule them in or out. Neither were done.

Clear safety signals. Official obfuscation of the issue. Document and data analysis from the Peak Prosperity channel.

People experienced with misleading and dishonest official documents will be familiar with what goes on here.

The first, most obvious thing they do is to simply withhold the information. The second main cover up strategy is to try to have summations that say the opposite, or provide no real information, to what is really going on. However, this comes undone when you look into the information in the report and objectively assess it. Few people look that deeply, which is why almost everyone, regardless of their intelligence, will fall for officially sanctioned lies.

It's happened before, and it's happened here. Without prosecutions it will keep happening on a more regular basis so that any official declarations should automatically be distrusted for your own good (since this situation is proving that the regulators/oversight, is corrupted. They are there to protect people but are only protecting their corporate sponsors).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 3, 2023.]

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