Friday, February 17, 2023

Ukraine, Ammunition, Tanks & the Russian Offensive - Col. Doug Macgregor (Judging Freedom)

The video here features a clip from General Milley, the US head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saying that Russia has lost "strategically, operationally and tactically" and are an international pariah. However, they are only a pariah to Western countries since they are open for business almost everywhere else. Their economy is doing well, all things considered, and on the battlefield they continue to advance in multiple locations, with the Ukrainian side obviously running out of personnel and equipment (they are calling for more weapons to replace their lost ones and are press ganging people off the street into their army, which you can see in videos).

When it comes to Russian losses independent analysis seems to show around 20-25k KIA vs at least 157k KIA for the Ukrainian side that could reasonably be more than 200k KIA. The commentators in clips such as this have always called for immediate peace negotiations to end the fighting - which could only work with a Ukrainian surrender (since it was admitted that the last round of peace negotiations was a merely a Western ruse).

People don't have to be killed anymore if there is a surrender, and it's not like the Russian side is going to turn the place into a gulag. Their intention from the beginning was always to get rid of the Nazi problem, that is widespread, and demilitarise the country since they would not stop shelling the breakaway regions during the last 8 years. A reality check for people tuned into the MSM.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, February 17, 2023.]

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