Friday, February 3, 2023

Douglas Macgregor - Additional 200,000 troops, Readying a Massive Offensive (Redacted)

The Russians are only continuing to press the war because there is no hope of negotiation. MacGregor reiterates that the Ukrainian Army is being set up to be ground down until it is destroyed. Meanwhile there are plenty of Western pundits insanely talking about Ukrainian counter attacks that will retake the entire country including Crimea.

Additional Comments:

Was watching The Drum on ABC News Australia and they had some chump 'expert' (propagandist) talking about how the small number of tanks would turn the tide and lift morale and help Ukraine to launch successful counter attacks, that the Russians were using human wave tactics etc. Pretty much everything the guy was saying was false. Any pleb could go do some research on the issues and discover the truth. The media is like Syria 2.0 in terms of lying about the war: Democracy vs and Evil dictator. And so compare that to what Douglas MacGregor is saying, that the Russians are annihilating the Ukrainian side, and consider the admitted disparity in artillery and the fact the Russia continues to advance in many places. They are not running up against brick walls. However, every major Ukrainian offensive, except where the Russians have withdrawn, has resulted in the Ukrainian side being stopped. The world is in a quagmire of lies. Lies about war, about the pandemic, about the climate etc. with rigged financial systems.

Posted so that people can think about not supporting the lies. Don't side with the Globalists/Neocons.

ps. Russia will keep strengthen its military position in the face of continued Western unwillingness to negotiate and in the face of continued Western threats to basically dismantle Russia. The War in Ukraine was started in 2014 thanks to the US backed coup. It did not start in 2022.

pps. And notice when it comes to experts offering their opinions on TV. Their level of expertise is actually irrelevant. The only thing that matters is whether they are relaying truthful information. This is the problem with authority. You should not trust it, especially if given good reason to be distrustful.

I remember UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan pointing out that the proper relationship of a researcher or academic to his or her audience is one of equality. This means that given the data you should be able to see how the conclusions were drawn. You do not take the word of the academic at face value. It's the point of the peer review process, where information is supposed to be aired that can be tested and challenged. When something is claimed and the info is behind closed doors then it's not science.

The point is we should not be in the habit of simply trusting authority. If we can check what people are saying about war and find that it doesn't match the data one can assume the so called experts are part of the problem here. Part of the MIC and intel networks, which are protecting certain corporate interests (that benefit from the war) and not the interests of ordinary people, or the interests of people living in Russia or Ukraine.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, February 3, 2023.]

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