Thursday, January 26, 2023

Ukraine Russia War Latest w. Col. Doug Macgregor

Col MacGregor covering the current political situation over the war with the US pushing the Europeans to send more equipment, while sentiment in some US quarters is turning against the conflict.

He again points out that the war cannot be won by Ukraine. They are being degraded by massed artillery.

There was a recent MSM article about how Putin was allegedly sending severely wounded Russian soldiers back to the front lines and that they had taken at least 100k killed. Like the Ghost of Kiev lies, this doesn't gel, in any way, with the independent research cited here.

The MSM account of the war, like what we saw in Syria, is a blatant lie.

Lies about this sort of stuff get people killed. The West should actually be allied to Russia. We should be throwing out all of our Globalist crook politicians that are turning Western countries into basket cases, and yet much of the brainwashed public is still voting for them - thinking they are saving the world from environmental harm and evil dictators. What the public has done is to chum up to anti human globalist corporatists.

Furthermore, even if you are not interested in the war you should be interested in the media lying about it. What else is the media lying about that could get yourselves and friends killed? This is a huge problem.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, January 26, 2023.]

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