Friday, January 27, 2023

“The Anti-Vaxxers Won!” – Admits “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams (Jimmy Dore)

Notoriously smug “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams was an outspoken advocate for the COVID vaccine — based on “analytics” he compiled himself. Now, however, Adams is changing his tune and admitting that, as he puts it, “the anti-vaxxers were right.” In a video he posted online, Adams acknowledges his error while somehow still acting as though he was right and that he only got this call wrong because he lost “a coin flip.”

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger marvel at Adams’ remarkable combination of arrogance and defensiveness in the midst of what is supposed to be an acknowledgement of a personal failure.

It's not about winning an equally balanced debate, where the side that lost may have had shot at being the winner. It's about the objective analysis, and the reality of people being injured and jabs not working as advertised. Everything came down to the psychology of people willing to look at the data and to do the research. The people who looked at the data and the research, who refused the social pressure, ended up refusing to take the experimental jabs. It was not a coin toss situation between who was right and who was wrong, as Adams portrayed it. It was never that. Real science is objectively looking at things regardless of authority, society and preconceived ideas, and considering the fundamental data.

In Scott Adam's world of persuasion, if you have a million scientists that seemingly agree with authority, and their leaders present well on TV, then the few dissenting people, pointing to the fundamental flaws, MUST be wrong. This ignores group think psychology, politics, including financial incentives to go along with the majority position, and ignores history, where a few individuals did indeed upend the orthodox position time after time after time.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, January 27, 2023.]

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