Monday, January 30, 2023

Dr. Wolf: The Biomedical State Is Already Racing To Blame Others For Their Crimes Before The Investigations

We need to get the ball rolling in terms of prosecutions and a complete shut down of the jab program. Wolf claims the material she has is a ready to go indictment for any lawyers willing to begin procedures against Government officials and the corporations responsible for the jabs. The evidence of death and injury was in their own documents from the beginning and yet they pushed ahead and made all sorts of claims about the shots being "safe and effective". 

The material she has assembled has just been released into the public domain and is ready to be actioned. 

The big problem is that there is still a lot of mainstream media propaganda and political backing in support of further shots, creating the illusion that there are no real problems. Apologies for the low sound levels on this clip.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, January 30, 2023.]

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