Sunday, October 23, 2022

Senator Knew Bush Was Lying About WMDs But Said Nothing (Jimmy Dore)

Vermont Democratic Senator Pat Leahy is retiring, but first he’s releasing a memoir about his tenure in office. One interesting tidbit: the story Leahy tells about the cloak-and-dagger way he received intelligence that proved the Bush administration was lying about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. And while it makes for a good story, it fails to answer the obvious question, which is why Leahy never said anything at the time if it might have prevented a war that cost an estimated 1 million lives from moving forward?

Jimmy and America’s Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Leah’s profile in zero courage in exposing the lies that led to untold human slaughter.

Insiders knew the Bush Administration chiefs were lying about the intelligence information on Iraq's WMDs and some contacted this Senator. By at least 2005 we had documentaries, like the Australian produced, Truth Lies and Intelligence, that interviewed people from within the intelligence community that revealed the WMD intelligence had been skewed. In a hearing in 2008 we had assess to documents, such as the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, that stated Iraq only posed a threat to neighbouring countries IF they were attacked - otherwise Iraq was of no threat, and certainly not to the USA.

Most significantly, this 2002 NIE was the key document that was misrepresented by the Bush Administration to rest of the Government when they had them vote for the war to go ahead. They removed material that cast doubt on Iraq's WMD capability and changed the concluding section to say Iraq was a threat, which was the OPPOSITE of what it actually stated. The UK also contributed to the lying with their famous "Dodgy Dossier."

What happened here was a political push by corrupt politicians to start an unnecessary war thereby making them war criminals. 


Hearing on Limits of Executive Power: Vincent Bugliosi
[explaining the NIE lie]

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 23, 2022.]

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