Friday, September 30, 2022

Why the woke HATE heroes (Michael Bancroft)

The woke hate the West, particularly white people - as an 'oppressor class' - and feel justified in lying, cheating, assaulting and murdering in order to get their 'justice' which is basically destroying representations and achievements of Western culture and instituting oppressive measures against these people (making them second class citizens in their own countries).

Many of these people are morally wretched subjectivists and do not hold any (or few) noble ideals, have no respect for history, culture or themselves, and see everything built up around them, in the West, as a threat to their existence. In the comic book space many of the writers are pushing this agenda with continuous virtue signaling representations that comes across as narcissistic (and it is, with them being wrapped up in their cause). 

And it's not about fighting capitalism or corporatism but a Critical Race/Cultural Marxist mindset that wrongly sees all white (heterosexual) people as intrinsically evil, that they are oppressors of all other people as opposed to having an understanding of history and science that shows the actions of Western people were no worse than any other group that has existed on this planet.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 30, 2022.]

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