Saturday, September 10, 2022

Ukraine's Offensive Coincides with US $3 Billion+ Aid Package - Russian Ops in Ukraine Sep. 9, 2022 (The New Atlas)

- Kherson offensive appears to have ended;
- The Western media admits to the massive losses suffered by Ukraine outside Kherson owed to the inferiority of Ukrainian forces versus Russian capabilities;
- Ukraine has launched an offensive in Kharkov toward Izium;
- The offensives have been launched to coincide with the announcements of massive aid packages for Ukraine;

The Ukrainian drives in the North have opened them up to counter attacks according to this analysis. However, they have not driven this attack as far as the Russians did at the start of the war - so may not be too over extended. Nevertheless, they will be subject to massed artillery strikes and air attacks as usual. A lot of the content here was relayed by Alexander Mercouris in a previous post.

The key thing about this recent attack is the lack of Western media reporting on the captured areas. This is because their occupations are not likely to last. It's like the Ukrainian Army is being sacrificed to simply score short term propaganda wins. They are prepared to take WW1 type losses while the Russians are largely conserving their troops. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2022.]

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