Monday, September 26, 2022

Historic Media Megadrought (Tony Heller)

Some more spectacular fake news about weather and climate from "Yahoo News"

Good clip that mentions that fire burn areas are not at their peak and that there are less hurricanes today than in the past, with a number of references. The worst storm year for the US was 1886 when the country was hit by Seven major hurricanes with two areas hit twice in the same year. There is no weather emergency today. The next question is: why would people lie about this stuff? Maybe money, maybe ideological reasons or altruistic reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that it is a lie. The big problem is that Globalist maniacs are taking advantage of this sort of propaganda to corral people into doing whatever they want. They are not doing it to benefit the planet but themselves. If it means wiping people out and/or having them live in controlled poverty, then they'll do it, with the help of their misled victims.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 26, 2022.]

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