Monday, August 29, 2022

The Truman Show Tried To Warn You (Moon)

This video explores the message of The Truman Show on modernity and post modernism through Truman's struggle in the film called The Truman Show. Truman (Jim Carrey) is a regular worker who slowly wakes up to the realisation that he's living a lie leading his breakdown in The Truman Show.

Societal conditioning. Living in a 'corrupted habitus'/in a false reality. When ideas are introduced into a system that are lies or don't work they cause friction and can cause changes that lead to upheavals and fractures. If (power hungry) malevolent or misguided forces push society into unsustainable and unworkable situations, via propaganda, the propaganda can fail as things butt up against reality.

However, sometimes the conditioning, the new ideas, are reasonably stable and reset society so the idea lasts for a long time, such as with the Soviet Union. The issue here seems to be the imposition of control over others, done in an unnatural, overly centralised, way.  

You can't fool all of the people all of the time, especially when they end up with less or on a road to ruin. It leads to rebellion. In the case of the Truman Show, simply living in a false reality, despite it being stable, was enough.  

Additional Comment:

I thought this was a really good clip on The Truman Show, that living in a false reality is a distasteful thing. It made connections to wider society, where there are repercussions when there are splits between the propaganda/conventions that drive our behaviour and reality. If there are big splits then people tend to want to get off that ship, but rebellion doesn't happen all at once and people do have different ideas about how they want to run themselves. Nevertheless, if the gap between what we are told vs reality diverts too far pretty much everyone will not want to buy into the BS anymore, especially if there is no benefit, and only ruin.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 29, 2022.]

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