Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Politico Calls Out Ukraine For War Crimes! (Jimmy Dore)

Immediately upon publication of a recent report criticizing the Ukrainian military for using civilians as human shields, Amnesty International was roundly accused of spreading pro-Russian propaganda – this despite numerous previous Amnesty reports calling out war crimes and human rights abuses committed by the Russian military. Now Politico has leapt to Amnesty’s defense with an opinion piece arguing that a human rights organization like Amnesty isn’t supposed to take sides but rather report on the reality of crimes committed by any participant in hostilities.

Jimmy and The DIve host Jackson Hinkle discuss why a decidedly establishment outlet like Politico would be willing to defend Amnesty for going out on a limb to criticize the saintly Ukrainians

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 24, 2022.]

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