Thursday, August 11, 2022

Col Douglas Macgregor - Will Biden Stumble into a New World War? (Judging Freedom)

The most likely result is not a world war but the continuation of limited conflict. The war in Ukraine is shaping up as a Russian victory where they will dominate the Russian speaking regions of the East and South, with perhaps a puppet Government in Kiev. The advantage they have is with the Russia speaking regions which now have higher wages, pensions and a better economic outlook. The rest of the country, to the Northwest, is another matter.

The US and UK probably want Russia to experience another Afghanistan situation in Ukraine, but it will likely turn out to be more like Chechnya with a pro Moscow Government. Presently is looks like the West is backing away from a collapsing mess in the country. The Afghanistan scenario is their plan B. 

When it comes to Taiwan, China does not really want a war despite the rhetoric. They have enormous economic ties to the rest of the world and are more likely to take over Taiwan through peaceful means in the next few decades. The biggest problem for China is that a war would undermine their other goals of economically dominating other countries in the region. If war breaks out it'll stop the migration of their citizens to neighbouring countries and the ability of their State controlled companies, and migrating individuals, to engage in foreign asset acquisition. China is on track to own significant parts of neighbouring countries along with bribing their politicians. It's creeping domination. 

MacGregor talks at the end of how Trump's advisors undermined his efforts and direct commands to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, August 11, 2022.]

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