Wednesday, July 27, 2022


‘Mysterious’ Sickness my ass. It is Covid Jab Shit Shot sickness. Here is a translation of the full interview from Red Voice Media:

This video is going viral, and we all must ask: was it because of the jab? According to this article, any athlete who competes in France must comply with the procedure. (In other words must be jabbed)

Here’s the complete translation of the interview. Thanks to Dr. Simon Goddek for providing the transcript.

Reporter: It wasn’t possible to continue?

Victor Lafay: I hung on and kept going like I do every day, and the mountain stages were always “easier” for me to get to the end because once it gets hard and you’re on it, you just make an effort and go until the end. But today, I just couldn’t follow [the peloton] and found myself all alone, and going up on a mountain alone is impossible.

And it wasn’t just Lafay; another rider complained of similar symptoms.

Reporter: Are you sick or injured? Do you have any explanations for this unusual situation? You’ve done very well in previous races; how do you explain that?

Lafay: Yea, I’m sick. I’m not the only one in the peloton; I was talking to Castro [another rider] at the beginning, and he told me he was feeling the same. He came to speak to me and asked, ‘are you sick? Can’t you breathe either?’, and I said ‘no.’, and he told me ‘me too’ and I’ve been feeling like this since stage 6. I’m having a very hard time breathing. I feel like I don’t have enough oxygen, pain everywhere, legs, etc., no strength, and it’s only getting worse after each stage. I thought there would be a moment it would get better, but it hasn’t happened. Then today, I just tried to hang on as much as possible, but I think there’s nothing to do.

Reporter: Have you had covid before? Maybe it could be that (he’s suggesting long covid)? How do you explain that?

Lafay: All covid tests came negative, they were antigenic though, not PCR, but there are tons of people in the peloton that are all feeling the same, all negative as well. (Let that sink in for a second) Maybe it could be something else! But I don’t know. (He better figure it out) I’m not a doctor, I don’t know anything, but we are many to have the same symptoms and struggle on the bike. It’s not cool, and it’s a peculiar Tour de France. I hoped for better for my first Tour de France, and I hope I can come back in better shape. (Not gonna happen dude)

Reporter: Thank you, Victor, have a good recovery. (What recovery)

The translation into English in the video is terrible whereas the clipped text translation above is great. A lot of the riders are having the same problems. With more cycling races on the calendar we'll see how long these guys can last. This is all one big experiment. No one should have been forced to take any of the shots that we know are intrinsically dangerous.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 27, 2022.]

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