Tuesday, July 26, 2022

How to REALLY Sell Comics on YOUTUBE! Part 2 - The SECRET SAUCE (Michael Bancroft)

It massively helps if the art quality is good. It gets people's attention. But that is not enough. There's lots of great art. The secret sauce, to make it really big, is the IP. The IP has to be really appealing which is hard to pin down. It helps if there is a good dose of action, a smart story and a good conceptual setting. Then the creator needs to market it. But if the IP is run of the mill, or woke, it doesn't matter who you are or what your brand might be, it'll struggle to sell. This also applies to big corporations, like woke Marvel.

For smaller online creators the marketing of their product is helped by putting up consistent content on You Tube. Charismatic creators making entertaining content, and building a sense of community, will generate loyal buyers. Bancroft says to "lean into the memes". Hype does sell. And an inspirational message draws in people. All these are great selling ploys but you still need a good product. Everything must come together. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, July 26, 2022.]

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