Thursday, June 30, 2022

Roe v Wade: You Need To Know This Now (Russell Brand)

The US Supreme Court last week ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade. But what do Americans really think about abortion, and has it always been such a partisan issue or is it just another example of politicians using a complex situation for their own gain?

The middle ground is, perhaps, the timing of the abortion. Countries in Europe allow abortions up to 13 weeks (in France). One might expect that three months, or perhaps two (because in the first month the pregnancy may not be detected), is long enough for a woman to decide whether to keep the baby. Life for a woman comes with this responsibility. It's tough but it's a real thing. The horror that goes against later term abortions is the idea of cutting up a fetus that looks like a person.    

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 30, 2022.]

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