Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Viral Video Of MSNBC Host’s Lies (Jimmy Dore)

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace developed her skills as a dedicated liar while working in communications for the George Bush administration, and she’s merely honed those talents as a cable news commentator, routinely repeating whatever pile of horsesh*t her contacts in the Deep State pass along to her, from reports of the devastating impact of “Havana Syndrome” to the “mountain” of evidence suggesting that Russia was paying Afghan soldiers bounties for every dead American soldier.

Jimmy and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald discuss the latest Matt Orfalea video detailing Wallace’s steady stream of on-air misrepresentation and duplicity

Glenn Greenwald also points out that the media now includes intelligence people on their payroll, out in the open, as talking heads, when they are some of the biggest liars out there. In the past the media relationship to the intelligence agencies was kept hidden. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 25, 2022.]

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