Friday, May 20, 2022


A short history of the Azov 'brigade' and how it became part of the country's military after the coup in 2014. They were heavily supported by the West and ultra nationalist central Government because they could provide 'backbone' to the military that didn't really want to fight against the separatists. The clip also says that other extremist groups are also incorporated into the military. The military analyst here especially doesn't like them because he is of Jewish background? I got that impression. He does point out that one of the worst Oligarchs supporting the neo Nazis is also Jewish. It's all massively corrupt. Like gangsters fighting it out and using whoever they can control to do the dirty work.

Dreizin opens the video by pointing out that during the Trump era the media was looking for any sign of white supremacy in the USA while in Ukraine they completely ignore groups like Azov who have Nazi tattoos and employ that symbolism.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 20, 2022.]

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