Monday, May 23, 2022

COMICS IN 2022- Diversity Hires, Charity Cases & Unsold Netflix Pitches As Far As The Eye Can See (YaBoiZack)

Best comment on You Tube:

Rick Johnson
The Mags', Vita's, and Joe Glass's of the industry burned it to the ground. I was someone that spend 10's (if not 100's) of thousands of dollars on comics, toys, and high-end collectibles (over a 30+ year period) on Comic Book and Sci-fi properties and these sick talentless hacks managed to turn me away from it ALL! I've sold off so many things and will never pick up another DC or Marvel book, nor will I watch a new Doctor Who show, or MCU show/movie, etc, etc. They killed it for me.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 23, 2022.]

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